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What to do during lockdown?

Following the recent events, I’ve decided to make this useful article during this time of quarantine. Here, I will give you many examples of what you can do during your confinement. Most of them need a computer and an internet connection Spend time on Skype with friends Play with friends on Skype! Here is a nice little website listing free games to play during a Skype conversation: Click here and Enjoy :) Skype pub: the same principle as in a pub, but on Skype. Learn a new language It's finally time to work on your English or learn Italian, Spanish ... Duolingo is the application you need: the link here. Watch videos Like most of the people, I recommend video platforms to you. I know that the algorithm of Netflix will be better than me to advise you what to watch ;) If you do not have Netflix, or Disney + (or any platform), I recommend some videos you can watch for free: Documentaries

Short films

French cultural channels

Cartoons looking like Adventure Time

Read a book Surely you have a good book on hand that you want to read for a little while? It's time to get started !! If you do not have a book on hand, I suggest you go to the Cultura site, which offers 2,000 free. To take advantage of this, you’ll need to create an account (it's free) and then validate an order. This will allow you to access or download the book online. For this second option you’ll need a reader, which I put you here in case you’re lazy. ;)

Subscribe to my Instagram (right here) That way, it will make you spend time watching the stories of another person struggling during quarantine. Don't we say that the misfortune of some makes the happiness of others? To cook You don't have time to cook as usual? This is no longer an excuse today! It's time to start with easy recipes:

Listen to music Discover new music! You can check a compilation of 300/400 videos that I created on YouTube, all styles mixed (yeah I know I don't have too much classification)

Humour page

Do sport Yes ! It is possible to do sports at home, with a mat or without. I have made a small selection for you to keep in shape at home, without requiring a large space or any equipment. I have classified the intensities by level of difficulty, going from orange for the medium difficulty to red for the most intense. The lessons are all divided in the same way: 5 minutes of warm-up, 15 of lessons and 5 of stretching. Pure abs Medium: Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Intense: Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7 Thighs / Abs / Glutes Medium: Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Intense: Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Upper body intense: Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Lower body intense: Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Cardio intense: Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Check your papers Check that everything is up to date in your emergency contacts, in the sorting of your papers ... Make his 2019 Canadian tax return (there is an article about this one here) ... Speculate on the stock market With the current events, the shares on the stock market have dropped a lot, You could (who knows) consider buying Apple or Google assets, and maybe you’ll become the next trader? My advice: avoid betting on paper toilet and hand sanitizer assets which are at their peak! Join loved ones It's time to reconnect! Everyone around the world is on the same level, so almost everyone has free time to contact us by phone or Skype. :) You might remember some acquaintances you haven't heard from in years, so you can tell to each other the gossip about what you've become in the meantime. My advice: write letters now that you have time. Even if you cannot send them until later, maybe they will become museum pieces in the future! Making castles with your own toilet paper rolls If you’re one of those people who had a craving for frantic shopping in stores you’ll finally find the use of all this beautiful equipment purchased!

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